Hump Day Hype Up - June 19, 2024

Today, we're getting fancy.

Get the luxury feeling going.

That special occasion la-de-da tone.

The whole purpose of Hump Day Hype Up is to get you feeling good, mid week.
We're pumping ourselves up to stay energised and motivated. 
Hyping ourselves for the rest of the week, and enjoying some fun to spur the energy into Thursday and Friday.

What better way to do that than to treat yourself?! 

Be honest - you’ve got some products in your house that never get used, they’re placed on the shelf and saved for special occasions only.

For me, it’s my fancy beauty products. They’re saved for when I’m getting ready for fancy events.

I also have a collection of plates and glasses that are special occasion only use products too.

There’s a few pairs of shoes, and some dresses in my cupboard, that don’t get to see the world like they deserve because I’m ‘saving’ them for that one occasion. Well I’m telling you now, today is that one occasion.

Use the good stuff.

Go all out. Have fun. Embrace the luxury.

Today I want you to pump yourself up by using the thing you save for special occasions. 
Is there an expensive perfume you own? Do you have a blazer or coat that only comes out for premium events? Can you drink your coffee using the good china?

Treat yourself today with products you already own. They're here to be used. So enjoy them.

Soak in that fancy feeling. 

If you want more assistance hyping yourself up, all 1hr Confidence Coaching sessions are $198 for June only. Check out the availability here

Happy Hump Day! 

Sending love,
Jade xx 


Hump Day Hype Up - June 26, 2024


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