Curate your mindset
This blog is the JELC passion project to help you get simple and effective easy to use tools to help curate the mindset for a dream life.
The taste of a new flavour…
Secretly we can get really excited about the things that also terrify us, and that’s the secret weapon!
The Joy of a Community
When you pull up to the lights and know the people in the car next to you, it’s a fun experience.
Follow the yellow brick road
Which path to take - often the biggest question and one of the more difficult to answer.
It’s a bit scary…
Getting on a plane, travelling to a different state, driving to multiple towns… all of it is outside my comfort zone.
A Love Letter to Your Future Self
How often do you actually recieve love letters? Now is your chance to have your specifically written just for you.
You’re a Wizard Harry
Today you’re going to discover powers you have within that you didn’t know existed!
Photobooth Photoshoots
It’s not often someone encourages you to actually use social media filters on your photographs.
How learning Italian can grow your confidence
The idea that you’re just not able to do something—simply because you’ve never done it before—is surprisingly common.
“Just wait for the right opportunity—it’ll come.”
I’m sure you’ve all heard it. People say, “be patient; your next career move will reveal itself.” But here’s the problem with that advice: waiting around for clarity is a recipe for stagnation.
Let’s go there, let’s have the toilet chat!
Toilet chat… that doesn’t sound appropriate for a professional business website to discuss.
All it takes is a short walk…
Today I'm sharing with your the easiest and potentially the most powerful Hump Day Hype Up task yet
A message from my husband
This week my husband has an incredibly valuable message to share with you.
A Walk Down Memory Lane
It still surprises me that I’ve managed to make Wednesday’s my favourite day of the week - who knew? Anything is possible right!!
I remember back to the days when I CRAVED a Friday. I lived for Friday’s. Nothing beat them.
The art of romanticising daily activities
If you've ever experienced a facial before you'll know exactly what I mean... last week I had the pleasure of enjoying a gorgeous facial. It’s wild how much someone rubbing different goo on your face can lull you into an incredible sense of relaxation.
Move those arms like you’ve never moved them before!
This week I want you imaging you're in control of your own personal DJ horn and hyping yourself through the workday.
Sharing your favourite song can be life changing
Music is subjective. That’s a fact. Some lyrics, melodies and vocal styles appeal to one person, and absolutely repulse another, and that is totally fine. The music that does resonate with you has an incredible ability to influence how you’re feeling at any one time though.
Time for an adventure!!!
I do it, you do it. We all put off the things that are good for us.
What to do when it rains…
The rain is not my favourite experience when it comes to nature, but it’s appearance reminds me of a very important lesson.
Say It Out Loud!
From the top of your lungs, I want you to shout it like you’ve never shouted anything before!!
Start your journey
Reach out today and discover how you can work with JELC to get the most out of yourself or your team.