A Love Letter to Your Future Self

Did you know today is 6 weeks exactly until the New Year!!!

2025 is just around the corner.

That could mean a few things for you…

  • It could mean you’re frantically stressing about how you’re going to get everything done this year

  • It could mean you’re already starting to wind down and lean into the festive season fun

  • Or it could mean that you’re realising you still have things you want to achieve, and are wondering how you’ll make them happen

As you know Hump Day Hype Up is about getting you excited for the rest of the week, but this week we’re doing something to get you excited for the rest of the year.

With 6 weeks to go, you can achieve a lot in that time, and you can grow significantly in that time, so for this week’s task, you’re going to write a letter to your future self.

Here’s the idea: Take 15 minutes today to write a letter to yourself 6 weeks from now.
Picture that future version of you—the you who’s taken steps toward your goals, overcome challenges, and embraced every bit of growth along the way.

Write about:

• What you hope you’ve achieved.

• Words of encouragement and belief.

• A reminder of how far you’ve already come.

Then seal it up (or schedule it digitally to send to your inbox) and set a time to read it on January 1.

Why this works: Research shows that engaging in self-reflection and future visualisation can significantly boost your confidence and self-belief.
When you imagine your future self as successful and capable, your brain starts to bridge the gap, motivating you to take the steps to make it real.
Psychologists call this the “self-fulfilling prophecy,” where your positive expectations about the future guide your actions today.

So, what do you want future you to know?

Write your letter from a position of your inner mentor. Fill it with hope, belief, and maybe a sprinkle of humour (you know that future you will totally appreciate it).

Remember: Your words today can be the pep talk your future self needs in 6 weeks.
Let’s plant some positivity now and see what grows!

Sending love,

P.S. Don’t forget to pop the date in your calendar to open your letter in 6 weeks. I can’t wait for you to meet that amazing version of yourself! 🌟

P.P.S. If you want to really gift your future self a gift, The Upgrade program is launching on January 1. This program is going to build your self awareness, your self belief, and guide you to the upgrade version of yourself. You can find all the information you need right here.


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