Let’s go there, let’s have the toilet chat!

Toilet chat… that doesn’t sound appropriate for a professional business website to discuss.

My friend, have you read any of these blogs? We discuss anything and everything. I’m an open book. Let’s discuss it all.

So today we’re discussing going to the toilet. Well, not going to the toilet specifically, but something you can do while you’re on the toilet. A toilet activity if you will. that sounds fun doesn’t it?

Before I lose you, I promise this is mindset related and it’s actually a very interesting activity.

As I’m sure you’ve remembered, it’s Hump Day Hype Up today so this is your task for this week.
Today, every time you go to the toilet I want you to put a huge, over the top, laughable, playful, smile on your face.
You heard me right, a huge goofy smile.

Yes it sounds ridiculous. Maybe because it is a little bit, but there’s actually a really great reason behind why I’m suggesting this as your task for this week.

Smiling, even when it feels forced, triggers the brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. 

Usually, when you’re sitting on the toilet you’ve got your resting face on. Sometimes this isn’t the happiest of faces. You’re sitting down and your mind is running away with a magnitude of different thoughts and feelings, with you not having an consideration of how could be instead be optimising this minute of peace and solitude.

Use this time, when you’re literally just sitting there, alone in the bathroom, as a perfect opportunity to boost your feel good hormones. Give your body that kick of joy it deserves. Did you ever think that using the toilet could be a time to help boost a positive mindset? I bet not.

That’s what we’re about here at JELC. Those random facts and titbits to help bring more joy to your life.

How does smiling on the toilet actually help your mindset?

1. Triggers Positive Emotions: As mentioned above - smiling, even when it feels forced, triggers the brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. This can improve your mood and reduce stress, even in a situation as mundane as being on the toilet.

2. Promotes Relaxation: Smiling activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping you relax. Relaxation is nice for everyone… it’s also particularly nice for digestion - BONUS!!!

3. Helps Combat Negative Thoughts: If you’re prone to overthinking or feeling stressed, smiling can act as a simple interruption to negative thought patterns, even if it’s just for a moment. Putting a circuit breaker in during these moments when our mind could be prone to running away with the negative reduces the time we’re giving ourselves to dwell on these thoughts.

4. Boosts Confidence: Smiling helps boost self-confidence by sending signals to your brain that things are going well, no matter where you are.

5. Improves Mindfulness: There’s nothing like bringing you into the present moment, and having a second to laugh with yourself than goofely smiling while sitting on the john. Smiling helps anchor you in the present moment, giving you a mindful pause during a daily routine. It brings attention to your body and breath, promoting relaxation and awareness.

The other thing to remember here is the smiling is effortless. It is one of the simplest ways to hack your mood. Even on the toilet, it doesn’t take any extra effort, but the mental and emotional benefits can last long into the day.

This is something I genuinely encourage my clients to do. From the moment they wake up, and go to the toilet first thing, put a silly smile on your face and see where it takes you.

Enjoy your toilet time today.

Sending love,
Jade x


“Just wait for the right opportunity—it’ll come.”


All it takes is a short walk…