Follow the yellow brick road
It's the ultimate question, isn't it... which path should you take.
Welcome to the time of year when we can’t help but start thinking about what we want from life.
Am I staying in the same role next year?
Did I achieve everything I wanted to this year?
What will my life look like this time next year?
All wonderful questions to ponder… and sometimes difficult to answer.
If you’re at this point, this is proof for me that you’re ready for an upgrade.
When paths are presenting themselves and you have no idea which one to walk down… this is proof that you’re ready for a shift.
You’re ready to up level.
You’re ready to be sure of where you’re going.
This week for Hump Day Hype Up I’m suggesting you focus on decision making.
The thing is, there’s usually no right or wrong when it comes to making a decision - there’s just how you respond to the outcome. Do you berate yourself if it doesn’t go well, or do you use the information in front of you to make a new decision.
The most common thing I see is people becoming stuck with fear of getting it wrong.
Let me tell you - there is no wrong.
There’s only how you treat yourself with the information you have in front of you.
So this week, anytime a small decision is presented (something like which top or shirt to wear, or what to eat for dinner) make the decision as quickly as you can. Within 10 seconds, go with your gut, and make the decision fast.
When you're forced to make a decision quick, it changes your connection to the result and instead you begin to focus on the facts, not the fears.
Learn from the outcome, and build the awareness that decisions work best when they’re made, not when you’re stalling on them.
Time to grow conviction in your decisions.
Sending love,