Hump Day Hype Up - May 29, 2024

It’s hump day, that mid week moment when we’re not yet at Friday eve and we’ve had 2 days of full on meetings and hustle. This means it’s time for some serious motivation and a little stamina hit to hype ourselves up.

Who’s with me?

This week, we’re turning to our trusty friend - music!

Oh how we love it. I utilise music in so many parts of my life, and it really plays into the emotion that I’m feeling at any one time.

You see music is a really powerful emotional anchor. What I mean by that, is that our emotions can be unconsciously anchored to a song, and it prompts us to feel particular things simply by hearing the song. The song triggers the emotions, totally through the subconscious.

Why is this useful for hyping ourselves up?

Well, if you start to consider the kind of music that you listen to when you’re having a fabulous time with your friends, or you’re dancing with your partner, or you’re enjoying your favourite band perform, these are all happy experiences right? At least I hope they’re all happy for you. The more we feel an elated emotion, something of joy or humour or happiness, the more our mind associates that emotion with the stimuli that were around us during that time. So if you’re repeatedly feeling happy when a particular song is playing, your mind is going to begin to associate the happy hormone release with the hearing of that song. This is called hard-wiring our neural pathways. You’re basically making shortcuts in your brain to release the happy hormones as soon as it hears the song. The brain is always looking for quick ways it can be more efficient, so the more you experience this, the more efficient (or more hard-wired) those pathways are going to become.

That is the reason why today’s Hump Day Hype Up is…


The song that makes you feel excited as soon as you hear that first beat.

Play the song that brings back the happiest memories of you life and makes you want to dance right away.

It’s hump day - let’s get hyped up!

Enjoy your favourite track, dance around the lounge room, let’s those happy hormones run wild, and remember that you can be grateful for this moment right now. Have fun with this week’s Hump Day Hype Up!

Sending love,
Jade x


Hump Day Hype Up - June 5, 2024


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