Is Social Media the New Christmas Card?

A Christmas email is what my parents send out every year now. My Mum will send a card to her nearest and dearest, but mostly everyone receives the Lloyd Family Christmas email with photos and updates on how everyone is doing.

I think it’s lovely, and I wonder if it’s a dying tradition. Is this a generational thing, or is it an age thing?

Back in the day (look at me sounding like a grandma), we didn’t have the internet or social media to keep a constant stream of information on what everyone is doing day to day. You sent a card once a year, updating everyone on the comings and goings.

Some may think it’s antiquated, but I really love it. I think its a beautiful reflection, and an opportunity to share pride and happiness about what you and your family has achieved.

That said, is it necessary anymore? When my generation has an Instagram feed worth of regular life updates, is an annual letter necessary?

The bigger point, which I think is the most important point, regards what the most important part of a Christmas card (or email) actually is - is it the information, or is it the significance of saying ‘you’re important enough to me to reach out to and share some love with this festive season’?

I will always choose the later, although I’m not a card sender myself. Maybe this is something I need to introduce into my life now, and take the time and effort to show those I care about that I care.

If you’re reading this now, Merry Christmas and I hope you have a beautiful time with your family or loved ones!

Reach out to me if you still send Christmas cards. I’d love to know the purpose behind why you still send them and how it makes you feel!


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